
The Centerville-Washington Diversity Council has several different committees that you can become involved with. Would you like to join a committee today? Contact us today.

Membership Committee
Programs Committee
MLK Breakfast Committee
Community Projects Committee
Communications/Publicity Committee


The Membership Development Committee welcomes your involvement in helping to grow the Diversity Council to provide greater diversity within our organization. If you would like to get involved, fill out this form to contact our Membership chair.

Committee welcomes new members, provides information about the Council, and helps find how they want to be involved in the efforts of the Council. Specific tasks include:

  • Staff sign-in table at “Meet and Greet” events
  • Send “welcome” email or make phone call to new members
  • Add contact information on Gmail account
  • Greet new members at events
  • Follow up on interest areas of new members
  • Assist with refreshments and host “meet and greet” events


The Programs & Education committee co-chairs Jerry Eddy & Roberta Taylor are looking for members to help plan and conduct programs about diversity for people of all ages. If interested in helping out, please fill out this form to contact our Programs Committee Chairs.

The committee has helped citizens learn more about Great World Religions and different cultures. In past years the Programs and Education committee collaborated with Washington-Centerville Public Library and Centerville-Washington History to put on a Cultural Day that highlighted the customs, food, dress, dance and more of a culture.

Key efforts of the Council include providing education about diversity-related topics and engaging the community in conversation. Specific tasks needing assistance include:

  • Research new program ideas
  • Contact potential program presenters
  • Make contact with similar-focused groups for collaborative programs
  • Secure facility and AV needs for programs/events
  • Secure items for and set up welcome table and refreshments at programs

MLK Breakfast

Our signature event, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast is a community celebration held each January in honor of diversity. Chair Linda White and the entire MLK Committee welcome your involvement in planning and conducting this annual event. For more information or to get involved, please fill out this form to contact our MLK Committee Chair .

Committee plans and presents the annual breakfast with keynote speaker on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Responsibilities include:

  • Manage online program registrations
  • Solicit corporate and individual donations
  • Maintain spreadsheet of donations received
  • Coordinate with local schools for free tickets at the event
  • Research potential speakers

Community Projects

Reach out to the community to increase awareness of the Diversity Council through projects and booths at community events. Contact the committee chair, Kayla Ferdelman & Vanessa Peagler, by filling out the form here.

  • Staff CWDC booth at events such as Americana Festival
  • Order giveaways for booth at events
  • Contact preschools for distribution of diversity-related books
  • Arrange for purchase of preschool books
  • Deliver books to preschools


The Communitcations/Publicity Committee, co-chaired by Carol Kennard and Karen Graves, is responsible for keeping you current on the happenings of the Council. This committee manages and updates the CWDC website and Facebook page, and makes contact with local media sources to help spread the word about the great initiatives of the Council. Join us today by filling out this form.

Once program/event information is provided to the Communications Committee, individual tasks that need assistance include:

  • Write and send press releases to local media sources
  • Add program information to online calendars
  • Post new and updated information on CWDC website
  • Posts and events on social media - currently just Facebook; boost posts/paid ads
  • Develop methods to strengthen search engine optimization
  • Send monthly emails to CWDC members - introduce members, committee needs, other cultural events
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