Is there a membership fee to belong?
No, membership is FREE and open to anyone who resides in or whose organization has a presence in Centerville and Washington Township.
What are the benefits of membership?
Upon joining the CWDC, you will be placed on the mailing list to be informed of the Council's activities, along with other community events surrounding diversity. You are provided opportunities to participate in CWDC activities such as sharing information with others at our booth at community festivals/events or serving on a committee to help further our activities.
Will the Diversity Council support a political cause?
Although we are not an advocacy organization, we welcome new program topics to broaden awareness and education about an issue. We just cannot support any political campaign or office.
How can I help further the mission, purpose, and activities of the CWDC?
Join a committee! CWDC is an all-volunteer organization and our success is dependent on people working together to organize programs, share information, educate others, and promote the Council's activities. Where can you help?